How does my club membership fee get used?

When you join Chelsea Nordiq, you will be asked to pay an annual membership fee (family or individual 18+).  This fee contributes to the central club’s operations and is used towards:

  • Club insurance

  • Club infrastructure (for instance, Chalet des Erables, Rider’s Roost, Biathlon Range, outdoor lighting)

  • Club events and community assistance (i.e. End of year celebrations, supporting cross-country outreach)

  • Coaching and coach development

  • Club administration 

How do my program fees get used?

We have structured fees for each of the programs so they are affordable and fit within the norms of community-run cross-country clubs.  Program fees are used in part for central club expenses where the club membership fee only covers part of expenses as well as going towards the programs as follows:

Each program is run by a combination of volunteer parent coordinators, volunteer coaches, and some paid coaching.  We follow Ski Canada recommendations for coach to athlete ratios for different ages and levels of competition.

All programs benefit from our head coach’s involvement either directly and in-person or behind the scenes by setting program training plans, monitoring progress, and ensuring programs are coordinated across the club.

Program fees help cover coaching costs, coach development and equipment for your specific program, infrastructure for Jackrabbits and at our training and racing area at Chalet des Erables.

Program fees help us with investments to support the strategic vision of the club and to help build a better club for you! If you would like to read more about investments in recent years, you can find them in our year-end reports from the Board of Directors.

If you have any questions related to membership, fee structure or registration please contact us.